But for now, I think it's safe to assume that my break is coming to an end. I haven't quite figured out how I'm going to break the news to my couch and TV. We've become rather close and they will be lost without me. I tried preparing them yesterday and today by going to school for a few hours. There's always so much work to be done. I found myself wondering why I didn't just go every.single.day we were off. Then maybe I would be caught up. Psht, who am I kidding?! I would still find myself wishing for just a little bit longer so that I could be on top of things and maybe even ahead of things. But here I sit, still trying to get some work finished and thinking about the fact that my alarm is going to ring tomorrow. And the fact that I have to be brave and head back to my classroom tomorrow, despite the Incident...
On the last day of school before break there was an Incident. The Incident has made me a smidgen nervous to return to my classroom tomorrow. Really, I think it scarred me for life and I will need therapy. I was sitting in my classroom after school when all of a sudden, a mouse scurried across the floor. I may have screamed. Loudly. And I may have immediately changed from a sitting position in my rolly chair to a standing position in my rolly chair, arms flailing about wildly. And then I may have called my neighbor and made her pack up my belongings for me and hold my hand as I
Like I said, those events may or may not have happened. But let me tell you what will happen for sure if there is another invasion...I will spend the rest of the year teaching from on top of my stool. Because I will DIE if one ever comes near me. DIE. Oh, it was awful. I know they like to hang out at schools because we're super nice and like to keep food in our rooms and because the children are messy and like to keep food on our floors. But I don't like mice. I need to know how to evict them. Would any of you like to come to my classroom and make sure they're all gone? Please? Will you at least say a little prayer that they won't show up while I'm getting my teach on tomorrow? Because the last thing the children need to see is me losing my mind over a mouse. Maybe you could even try to comfort me with a critter story of your own. One that ends with you being victorious and never having critter problems again. Because I love happy endings.
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Oh no!! I had a mouse in my classroom last year.....he would always nibble on my chocolate kisses and leave little foil pieces around. My custodian set a trap, but we never caught him! Haven't had any chocolate nibbled this year though, so I think he's gone :)
I am so sorry about your mouse incident! Maybe you can convince yourself that all of the mice have left since the building has been empty over break. :) A teacher at our school bent over to pick up what she thought was just something on her rug in her room one time. Turns out, it was a small SNAKE! Now I am sure that I WOULD NOT have lived through that! :)
Eeeek! I don't like mice either. Last year, in the ceiling of my classroom I noticed some small holes. I thought that the janitors had made them to run the computer cables and such. I mentioned it to them and found out. . . that it was a furry friend making the holes. It was news that I did not want to hear. However, I didn't ever see the mouse thank goodness!! I hope your mouse has found a new home!
The First Grade Dream
Just get ya some mouse traps. What's wrong with ya sissy?? Ur acting like a little girl!!! I would have paid money to see you in the chair standing and screaming lol!!! Have a great day back!!! I already miss ur cute little face!!!
Well whatever you do, don't let your custodians put down sticky traps!!
My first year, I had mouse- he was cute, but had to go. During the evening, the custodian set down a glue trap by the Dramatic Play Center and didn't tell me! And one of my sweet kindergarteners found him!! It was horrible- especially because he wasn't dead, he was just suffering! There were soooo many tears!
Hope your guy leaves with less drama!
Going Nutty!
OMG, this so sounds like me! A couple years back when I was teaching first grade, I left my black sweater in my classroom overnight. When I went to put it on, there was a mouse on the sleeve!!!! I couldnt get that sweater off fast enough!!! Hate to tell ya, but it did scar me!!!
Hahaha. Oh my gosh! I would DIE. I'll keep my fingers crossed your new "friend" is a no show tomorrow! =)
OK.....you could have gone into school EVERY DAY you were off and you would still not be ready. We kid ourselves into thinking that we will EVER be caught up. As for the mouse, ick. We get them in our house on occasion and D-Con makes the best traps. they look like black huts and we have NEVER missed a mouse. Maybe a classroom cat?
Lori @
Oh.My.Goodness!!! That would definitely be me...only I would be running from a spider! Maybe your little friend will find a new home or at least hide while you are around! :0)
Ms. McBee’s Kinderbugs
I can only imagine. I had the same problem with cockroaches this year (which I think is the worst bug imaginable) but learned there was a mouse on the bottom level of our school. I don't know which one would be worse! Good luck tomorrow- hope he doesn't make any more appearances!! : )
Can't help you. I'm a big baby when it comes to any kind of creature that is not human or dog. I have freaked out over mice, spiders, bees, grasshoppers, and gigantic water bugs that look like cockroaches. All in front of my kids. Thank God for six year old boys who love these things and "take care of them" for me. :)
A Teeny Tiny Teacher
I can somewhat relate. Our first grade wing has had a rat issue for the past month. Since the kindergarten wing is next to the first grade one, I have been a bit paranoid about one coming over for a visit. I was working in my classroom today getting ready for our first day back and every little sound that I heard made my heart stop. I am not sure how I will respond if one happens to stop by, but I am sure it won't be pretty.
I will pray for you!
I just awarded you a Versatile Blogger Award. You can take a look and receive the award at Versatile Blog Awards at A Teachers Bag of Tricks. Congrats!
- Lisa
O.M.G.! I seriously LOVE your blog. Just stumbled on it and I think it is adorable! I'm passing along the Versatile Blogger Award on to you!
Grab it at The Littlest Scholars!
Happy New Year! :)
you are too cute! Good luck tomorrow!
You will definitely need therapy! Mice are cute but that is why I have cats. I wish I could keep them in my class.
Ha! I have had (last year) a rat...a bat...and a cat in my classroom...not at the same time...but unwanted just the same!
First Grade Blue SKies
Hilarious! I bent over to pick up a rock once and it turned out to be a big hairy spider! I freaked out! Haven't had mice at school, only at home. Don't use sticky traps. You want the good old fashioned kind that go WHACK! and the little bugger dies instantly. Even though they look kinda cute and fuzzy, they are bad. Remember, looks can be deceiving! And where there's one, there's more.
2B Honey Bunch
The Best Endings
Wow, what a story! I once had a student scream at her backpack. She opened it to find a HUGE spider in it. We flung it outside and one of our guys tried to step on it and it stood back up and hissed at him....DISGUSTING!!!!! It did freak me out for a couple o' days!
I have spent a lot of time looking at your blog and I am one of your newest followers and like Jessica above, I wanted to award you the Versatile Blogger award. If you want to copy the award, you may find it at my site.
seabears kindergarten Have a great day!
EEK!! Yesterday was our first day back and I discovered, by smell, a DEAD mouse in the heater....bleh.
With things like this, I tend to be a bury your head in the sand girl, so I bet that he's long gone because he got hungry and needed to move along to find food somewhere else.
Have a great day today!
I just gave your adorable blog an award...check out my blog for more details!!
I gave you the Versatile Blogger Award. Come on over and check it out!
Ms. McBee’s Kinderbugs
Are you still thinking of the exchange?
Before break I as well had a critter run in. My students were in the room (it was the beginning of the day) and I saw something scurry across the room and then scurry back. It was a mouse or so I thought. I am ashamed to admit I jumped up on a table and then removed my students from the classroom and went to notify the office of my little visitor. A few days later (after a mouse trap had been put in my room) the janitor notified me that it might have been a very very large bug (the largest he had ever seen). i don't know what freaks me out more... but it has met it end and I can only hope that it does not have any friends or family roaming around my room...
So funny and so true! We could work everyday and there would always always be something else to do! Sheesh!
Sorry to hear about your critter...I had one once and it left me a basket full of critter babies snuggled in some nice ABC fabric I had!!!
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I had a mouse live in my classroom last summer -He ate through everything and made a complete mess! I put 2 traps behind my bookshelves (where the kids couldn't get them) with a little bit of Hershey's and I got 2 of them the next day! I still have those traps there and no more mice! :) (Did I just jinx myself?) Have a wonderful weekend! :)
Crayons and Curls
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