
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Day in My Ever So Fabulous Shoes!

I've had so much fun reading about everybody's daily routine that I decided to link up with Miss Klohn too!  I know that I'm a little late to the party, but I'd like to think I'm just fashionably late.

Before I start, I have to share this funny song with you {and I have a feeling most of you will relate}.  By about Wednesday, this is me.  Except I don't have kids.  Or a husband.  So I don't really know exactly why my life is so crazy, but it is.  And I'd like to do a little edit...instead of love and laundry...

.I just keep prayin' that I can get everything done and still have time for BLOGS and a load of laundry!

Here's the nitty gritty:

5:30- Alarm.  Hit snooze.

5:35- Alarm.  Hit snooze.

5:40- Alarm.  Hit snooze. {man, this alarm thing is annoying}

5:45- Alarm.  Resist the urge to hit snooze again.  {Why don't I just set the alarm for 5:45?  Seems like that would be the most logical thing to do.  But apparently I'm not into logical.}  Sit up in bed and check email, Facebook, and blogs on the phone or iPad.  {I won't go to sleep without my phone and iPad next to me.  Can't handle being out of touch.}

5:55- Drag myself in to the bathroom to shower, dry hair, and turn on straightener.

6:15- Eat some delish fake bacon and egg beaters for breakfast.  Wash it down with a Coke and pray the caffeine kicks in QUICK.

6:30- Put on makeup and fix my hair, even though I know my makeup is going to magically disappear from my face by 8am.

6:45- Get dressed.  I like to save time by picking out my clothes and ironing them the night before.  I know, I'm so efficient.

6:50- Last minute touches on the face and hair.  {As if it really matters.}

6:55- Get in the car and head to work.

7:05- Arrive at work.  Run to my room to put my things down and go pick up the kids in my teammate's room.  As I walk down the hall, I try to brace myself for the LIVE ACTION that's coming my way.  Have you guys seen Call of the Wildman on Animal Planet?  Anytime he's wrestling an animal, he screams "LIVE ACTION!"  So that's our newest catch phrase.

7:07- Walk in teammie's room.  Take one look at the children who are already climbing the walls and try to leave before anyone sees me.  Too late!  I was just spotted by a five year old who is running toward me squealing, "Tickle, tickle!".  Dead serious, people.  I get a tickle and hug every morning from one of my sweet friends.  And it totally kick starts my day.  I don't know what I will do if he's ever absent.

7:15- Kiddos are now in my room eating breakfast and doing their morning work.  I spend this time checking homework and planners.  I also try to teach the children to not rub biscuits on their face.  

7:50- We switch classes and I get to spend some time with my kindergarten friends.  We do calendar.  Sometimes Rihanna comes.  I do some whole group teaching and then we head to stations.  They have matured so much since the beginning of the year and stations run so smoothly now!

9:25- Switcheroo number two!  First grade this time!  This group of kiddos is crazy smart.  Seriously, they could teach me.  I just stand back in awe for most of the class period.  And I love it.

10:30- Lunch.  I mean brunch.  {Last year lunch was at 10.  I was ravenous by the end of the day.  It was rough.}

11:00- Recess.  We don't get a planning every day, so we worked out a solution on my team.  If we have a planning that day, we have recess duty.  If we do not have a planning, we are either completely free or we have detention.  Today I was completely free!  Tomorrow I have duty.

11:30- First grade again.  We do stations and they continue to amaze me.

12:15-  The final switch.  Second grade comes back and we spend the rest of the day together.  We do calendar.  We do some whole group activities.  Then my favorite part of the day comes: intervention time.  I have two super fab interventionists who each pull a group and I am left with 14 kiddos.  We kick some major booty in the last 45 minutes of the day.  It's awesome and we all end the day with full brains and feeling so smart!

2:15-  Tell the kids it's time to go home and they're all, "Really?  Already?"  We pack up and I send them home.  I go back to my room, making a few stops along the way to catch up on gossip debrief.  I make sure everything is ready for the next day and head out.

3:45- Tutor.  I am totally loving tutoring on the side.  It's so much fun working one on one with kids.

6:00- Home!  Finally!  I find something to eat, turn on the TV, turn on the computer and spend the rest of the night catching up on emails, Facebook, blogs, and doing some planning from home.  I also clean out my DVR during this time.

10:00- Shower and dry hair.  Pick out my clothes and iron them.  Get lunch ready for tomorrow.

11:00- Bed!

Rinse and repeat.

If you haven't already linked up, click on the picture above to do so!  Only two more days of waking up to an alarm clock!  Happy Wednesday, my friends!


The Lemonade Stand said...

I am sharing the Versatile Blogger Award with you! Hop on over to my blog to pick up the button and get the rules!

The Colorful Apple said...

I have to have my iPad and iPhone next to me at night too! Soo bad. And cleaning out my dvr is the best part of the day!

Sara :)

Smiling In Second Grade

Unknown said...

Tickle and a hug? That is too funny! =)
First Grade Blue SKies

Sandy said...

LOVE the live action! So true! Thanks for making me laugh!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I totally hear ya on the blog stalking first thing in the morning!!! Loved reading about your day!!! Have a fabulous end to the week!!!

Ms. Chrissy B said...

Hahahaha Live action - I love it.

Buzzing with Ms. B

Cupcake said...

Our mornings are very similar! I have four alarms and I snooze them all.. I set so many as a warning that eventually I do actually need to get up!!

A Cupcake for the Teacher

Erika said...

All that switching, crazy but fun!

2B Honey Bunch
The Best Endings

The Bubblegum Tree said...

I used to never hit the snooze button and now it's chronic. I have even snoozed to the point of having to get ready in like...10 minutes. Needless to say it was a bad hair day. I think I might need to move the alarm across the room so I actually have to get up to turn it off! Sounds like a great day! I'm a new follower.

Barbara L said...

Oh I understand snooze alarms. Mine goes off (the first time) at 5:50 then every 4 min until I get up at 6:30. There's just no way I can get up right away...totally need time to adjust to the idea:)

Grade ONEderful

Kristin said...

:) :) :) Loved this.
Loved the kid stories. Live Action. Phone and iPad.
A Teeny Tiny Teacher

Katie @ Miss Klohn's Classroom said...

Live Action!!! I might have to borrow that idea! That is so me in the mornings when I have to go and ope the door to let all of the 6th graders in the building. The joys of being closest to the door. :)

Thanks so much for linking up!
Miss Klohn
Adventures of a 6th Grade Teacher

Ashley said...

Isn't it funny how alarms are set to go off early just so you can hit snooze! I make the time fast on mine just to figure out the time in my head whenever I look at it. Crazy crazy:)!


Unknown said...

Loved this! I was laughing out loud about the tickle kid!

Katie King said...

Okay! You are so funny! I am embarrassed that I am about to admit this, but Turtle Man and I live in very close proximity to each other, please don't think all of us Kentuckians are this nuts!

Queen of the First Grade Jungle

Katie King said...

I just read that you are a fellow Kentuckian! Then nevermind :) hmm.. I wonder how close we are? I teach in Danville!

Kimberly said...

Love the blog. Your day sounds similar to mine!

TAG your it. Come to my blog for details on how to play blog tag.