
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Holy Emails, Batman!

Let me apologize in advance for the fact that this post and my last one are both nothing but valentine exchange information.  But it's kind of taken over my life.  So that's all I have for you folks tonight.  Will you love me anyway?  I'm going to take care of a few housekeeping things {before I go take care of real live poor house has been neglected the past couple of days}:

Gift Exchange Participants: You have all {and by all, I mean every last 140 of you!} been matched with a partner and you should have an email from me in your inbox.  Or maybe it's in your junk mail.  But I'm not junk.  So you may want to add teacherbloggerexchange{at}gmail{dot}com to your contacts so you don't miss anything from us!  If you have checked your junk mail and still don't see anything from me, please email at the address above and we will get it to you ASAP!

Classroom Exchange Participants: I am going to get this squared away over the weekend.  If you have not received an email by Monday morning, please email me and we will get you the information ASAP!

Sponsors: If you haven't already, you will get an email from us very soon letting you know what day your giveaway will take place and what you need to do as far as getting us your product.  If you haven't received an email yet, don't panic!  We started with February 1st and are working our way through the 14th...your giveaway may just be taking place a little later!  We have some AWESOME giveaways for you folks!!

Well, maybe I can leave you with a cute little story from today...

After our math intervention time, the interventionist told me that one of my lovely ladies kindly informed the rest of the group that she needed to fart {I know, I know...some of you are probably running around screaming, "Ms. Preppy said the F word, Ms. Preppy said the F word!"}.  Anyway, she needed to fart.  The interventionist asked, "Now, would you have said that in front of Justin Bieber?"  Little Lady got quiet and blushed.  So apparently "would you do that in front of Justin Bieber" is the new litmus test for whether or not something is socially acceptable.  I think we need WYDTIFOJB bracelets.  They would be all the rage.  I'll get right on that.


Chrissy said...



Unknown said... should totally get on those bracelets! =)
First Grade Blue SKies

Mrs. Patton said...

Love it! :)

Colleen Patton
Mrs. Patton’s Patch

Cupcake said...

Hah! Totally using that phrase :)

A Cupcake for the Teacher

Unknown said...

Haha! That is hilarious! I'm going to have to use that too.

Swimming into Second

Unknown said...

so funny! Thanks for hosting the exchanges, I appreciate all the behind the scene work you two are doing to make it happen!

meghan said...

Hahahaha, my third graders are straight up obsessed with biebz. may have to use that. thanks for the laugh & for hosting these exchanges. they definitely break up my routine [in a good way!].

Third Grade in the First State

Stacey said...

Ha, way too funny!! Good to know! Thanks so much for all the work you are doing. This is going to be my first one, and I'm so excited! :)

Anonymous said...

I so needed a good laugh tonight!! Too excited about the rock for putting this together!!

Kristin said...

I want one of those bracelets! Ha ha!!
A Teeny Tiny Teacher

Abby said...

I'm so going to buy one of those bracelets!!! ;) {And also one referencing a super hero!}

Ms. Chrissy B said...

Hahahahaha! That's a GREAT idea! Love it!

Oh, how times have changed. My mother used to say, "Would you want your grandmother to hear you say that?" Now it's Justin Bieber we want to impress.

Buzzing with Ms. B

Sandy said...

Thanks for sharing that story! Too funny! I'll buy one of your bracelets! :-) And thanks for all of the work you are putting into the Valentine exchange! We all appreciate it!

Barbara L said...

Ha ha! Too funny!!
Grade ONEderful

Elizabeth said...

OMG! As any Justin Bieber fan would say...I'm soooo using the WYDTIFOJB line!

Seriously...I would buy the bracelet. Enough for my whole grade level. Do it.

Fun in Room 4B

Ashley said...

That is one phrase I will have to remember! And thank you so much for all your hard work on the Be My Valentine Exchange. I am extremely excited to participate!


Ashley said...

That is one phrase I will have to remember! And thank you so much for all your hard work on the Be My Valentine Exchange. I am extremely excited to participate!


Sandra said...

You've been tagged! Come check out my post here:
❤ Sandra
Sweet Times in First

SunnyDays said...

I signed up, but didn't get an email :(
I donated a product and got a thanks about that, but no email w/ partner. It's fine, I just don't want someone to be waiting on a package from me that won't ever arrive - talk about sad!
Drop me a line and let me know what's up when you get a chance.

Have a great night :)

Sunny Days In Second Grade

SunnyDays said...

And no, I WNFIFOJB! My niece would bring me up on charges if I did. Hysterical!

Sunny Days In Second Grade

kara.treadwell said...

Lol... love your side story. I'm a new follower and tagged you on "bloggy tag", check it out at:

I'd love your support!
-Kara Treadwell

Deana said...
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