
Saturday, January 7, 2012


Long time, no see, my friends!  Thank you for sharing your critter stories and wishing me luck last week.  Some of your stories gave me the heebie jeebies.  Luckily, I did not see anything scurrying about.  Whew!  Really dodged a bullet there.  My coworker told me about something that you can plug in and it lets off some kind of sound or something that the little mice don't like.  I am definitely going to invest in some of those.  Because I'd rather not see another mouse.  Ever.

I only worked one day this past week.  The first day back from break.  So the kids were exhausted and not really with it.  My sub said they were awesome the rest of the week, so hopefully the awesomeness will continue when I have to work a full five days next week.  Why was I out, you ask? 

{I'm the short one.  The tall girl is my little sister.  I only clarify for you because waitresses at restaurants can't seem to get it straight.  She gets the drink menu and I get the kid's menu.  Never fails.  Every time.  I'll enjoy my youthful looks for as long as I can.}

My little brother was deployed to Afghanistan for a year.  He's enjoying {and by enjoy, I mean training all day long} sunny Texas {see why I said enjoy?  Texas has to be funner than Afghanistan} for the next few weeks and then he will head on over.  So we spent a couple of days in Indianapolis having some family time {at PF Changs.  Yum!} and seeing him off.  I told him that I have about 450 or so teacher friends that I can count on to keep the mail coming all year long.  Please let me know if you, your class, or your school would like a soldier buddy to send letters, etc to throughout the year.  Either comment or email me {mspreppyblog at gmail dot com} and I'll get you hooked up with all of the information. 

In other superfun news, Sarah and I are all in on a Valentine's exchange!  We will be posting details very soon, so check back with us.  We have some exciting things up our sleeves!    


Lisa Lizak and Beth Wright said...

So glad I came across your blog, it is beyond cute with lots of great ideas! :) I am also the shorter sister, where my younger sister is the much taller one...hehe :) Keep up the great work :)

Lisa :) (new follower)

Unknown said...

Hey girl! Can't wait for the new exchange. And my class would love a soldier buddy to send letters to =)

Mrs. Nunley said...

I am the oldest and shortest too!

Unknown said...

Can't wait for the Valentine's exchange!! I have already been thinking of ideas :)


Anonymous said...

I have an award waiting for you on my blog. Stop by and check it out. :)

Inside The Classroom-

Nicole Heinlein said...

I gave you an award over at my blog Teaching With Style. Go check it out! :)

Kristin said...

That is so cool - so proud of your brother!!!! My teammie's son is in Afghanistan so we write to him. I love it!!
A Teeny Tiny Teacher

Briana said...

That's so cool that the kiddos write to your brother! My brother-in-law is in the Navy so my class will write letters to him or his friends that don't get letters from home.
I have an award for you on my blog, too!

Jennifer said...

Hey girl! Great picture! Everyone always thinks my sister is older than me too. Very weird. I'm pretty sure we aren't actually related. (Or is it just wishful thinking? Too mean??)

Rowdy in First Grade

Jonelle Bell said...

Thanks to your brother for serving our country!!
I gave you The Versatile Blogger Award because I {heart} your blog button!
A Place Called Kindergarten

Unknown said...

Im glad you got to visit with your brother before he was deployed. I appreciate him!

Unknown said...

Super cute photo!! I'm the oldest sister and the shortest, too! (And two girls and one boy in my fam!) You know I'm all in on writing your brother and having my class send him letters!
Teaching First

Ashley Sanderson said...

I wanted to let you know that I have given you the Versatile Award! Pop on over to my blog to recieve your award. Congrats!

Rebecca said...

My class would love to have a soldier buddy to write to


P.S. I'm the oldest of three girls and get mistaken for the youngest because I'm shorter than my sisters, so I completely understand :)

Erin said...

My class and I would love to have a soldier buddy to write to. Feel free to email the information to, when you get a chance. I will keep your brother & his fellow soldiers in my prayers during their journey.