Congrats, Meredith! Send me an email at mspreppyblog at gmail dot com and I'll get the books right to ya!
I wanted to chat with you about one of my favorite parts of the day.
My team is pretty hilarious. Like, I think Chelsea Handler should invite us for an all teacher round table. It's that funny. Sometimes people in the office come down to our room and tell us we're too loud. And then we wonder exactly how much they heard...
Anyway, I thought I would share today's lunch experience with you. I'm warning you that it's going to be jumpy. And stream of consciousnessy. Mainly because that's how we roll. Here goes:
Lunch started when I walked in singing, Butterfly in the sky, I can fly twice as hiiiiiiigh...take a look, it's in a book, a reading rainbow... Because I was way excited that I found a math themed Reading Rainbow to keep in my back pocket just in case the temperature in my room became mind melting {which it did} and we all needed to take a little breather because OMG, who can work when it's 85.4 degrees in the classroom??
{Yes, I showed a video. Call me a bad teacher if you want, but seriously. We were all sweaty and I was about to die from heat exhaustion and we were all pretty much fried by 1:45. Aaannddd... I totally spent some quality time with TI on my way to school this morning and he was all, you can have whatever you like. And what I'd like is for my air to be fixed. But TI lied. I did not get whatever I like. That's the last time I'll ever trust a rapper.}
So that's how lunch started.
I ran into one of my teammies at the store the other day and while we were there, we both encountered quite the sight. So we decided to share our story with the rest of the crew. We were trying to explain how this lady looked and really, the best thing to do was use TV characters. And she looked a LOT like Xena, Warrior Princess. Sooooo tall, amazon-like, super thick and long hair...the whole shebang. So we've got Xena, Warrior Princess. Xena was pushing a toddler in a stroller who had these really big scary, sneaky eyes. Like totally mischievous. To get the point across, I turned to TV characters again. This kid was a lot like the baby from that show Dinosaurs. Only this time, they didn't catch my reference on the first try. So I had to pick up my imaginary pan and pretend to hit my friend over the head with it while screaming, "Not the momma, not the momma, not the momma!" Then they got it.
Anyway, so the whole not the momma bit took us back to our youth. Now, I'm the baby in the group. And I'm 24. One girl is two years older than me and the other is five years older than me. So when I say youth, you can think Spice Girls, Tamagotchis, Mary Kate and Ashley... You know, nineties thrills.
Well, our reminiscing took us to TGIF. Who remembers TGIF? All those great shows...Family Matters, Step by Step, Boy Meets World...Aaahh. Loved TGIF. LOVED IT. Now I have to watch my TGIF shows on TV Land.
Then after TGIF you had SNICK. You know, Saturday Night on Nick. Kenan and Kel, All That, Are You Afraid of the Dark...
So what ever happened to Kel? We all keep up with Kenan on SNL, but what about Kel? Did something happen to him? Is he OK? Cue a quick iPhone google search at the lunch table. Kel is fine! He was even on an episode of Good Luck Charlie recently. Life can go on. Oh! Remember that Good Burger movie? Welcome to Good Burger, home of the Good Burger, may I take your order?
At this point we're laughing so hard we're about to pee our pants because Lord knows we haven't been to the bathroom since we left home. Someone takes a break from laughing to ask, How did we end up here, anyway?
So we work backwards {great strategy}: Good Burger...Kenan and Kel...SNICK...TGIF....Dinosaurs...Not the momma...Xena. XENA! Then we look at the clock and guess what? Our lunch time is up. Story unfinished. I'm sure you can tell that the majority of our stories remain unfinished.
Is your lunch like my lunch? Is your lunch funner than my lunch? If it is, can I visit?
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Too funny! I love reminiscing about the 90s! I wish we had as much fun at lunch as you guys.
Oh and I feel you about the AC. It is horrendous. My fan is already in my trunk. I can't take another day like today!
Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher
I recently caught an episode of Are You Afraid of the Dark on TV and it was! And I remember loving it, and even being scared at times!!
A Cupcake for the Teacher
I am totally jealous! I have to eat lunch with my kiddos, so my lunch time usually revolves around making sure they're not pouring their milk into their mashed potatoes or discouraging them from showing me their loose tooth while they have a mouthful of food.
I usually put on a story on cd to listen to so they actually let me have 10 minuets to scarf down my food without having to worry about them singing inappropriate song lyrics or enacting scenes from the latest horror flicks!
If it's a really good day where certain kiddos are absent and everyone is mellow I can maybe get away with standing in the hallway outside our classroom door, chatting with the custodian as I eat. Those 5 minutes of adult conversation are precious!
By the way, dying to know what the rest of the Zena story was!
Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten
I know all those shows! But then again I'm 26, so not that much older than you.
Lunch was boring today. Sometimes it can be fun and good chat/stories/gossip. Not today :(
Journey of a Substitute Teacher
I'm with Jennifer in that I am totally jealous you actually get to sit, eat, and talk with adults during lunch. I only wish!
I ♥ your reminiscing! I too am a 90s kid so I totally remember TGIF and SNICK! I'm sure if I watched the shows now (like Are You Afraid of the Dark?) I'd realize how corny they really are. But, they were scary as a kid!
Living A Wonderful Life
Oh my goodness too funny! I just posted about watching a Reading Rainbow video on Friday and started with I'm not a bad teacher...LOL! We all have to do it sometimes to keep a little sane.
Rambling About Reading
Ha!! I love it - I think I would fit in really well. :)
Our lunches can be super loud and funny - we have had the office ladies shut the door on us. We have also been known to check all outer doors and make sure they are closed if we have gossip to discuss!!
I can't believe these poor people who have to eat with their kids . . .
A Teeny Tiny Teacher
Seriously??? Do you need to put your age and make me feel WAY old. I'm so old I love the 80s. Thanks for putting me in my place!
Kindergarten Korner
I want to eat lunch with your team! Thanks for the TGIF flashback! Love it! :)
I had the hugest crush on Kel when I was little!!! I probably would still love him today, haha!
Marvelous Multiagers!
I love it when I'm reading a blog and I laugh out loud. Literally. I also have a weird combination of the reading rainbow song and the T.I. song in my head.
Sounds like your lunch time is too much fun. There are only 3 of us on our team and we eat together usually but nothing too exciting happens. I just remembered today is Wednesday and I have lunch by myself. I'll be blog stalking and making up the rest of your xena story. That's how I roll. Making up storeis.
I love it when I'm reading a blog and I laugh out loud. Literally. I also have a weird combination of the reading rainbow song and the T.I. song in my head.
Sounds like your lunch time is too much fun. There are only 3 of us on our team and we eat together usually but nothing too exciting happens. I just remembered today is Wednesday and I have lunch by myself. I'll be blog stalking and making up the rest of your xena story. That's how I roll. Making up storeis.
This sounds just like my lunches! We have a small staff (12) and are rural (no restaurants) and get UBER giddy at lunch. It keeps me sane...I love laughing at lunch! Sometimes it is what gets me through the day...
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