My favorite font:
How am I supposed to pick ONE favorite font?!? No way, Jose! I love all of 'em over at Kevin and Amanda! "You Wish You Were A Shirley" is making me pretty happy at the moment, so I'm going with it!
My favorite blog:
OK, again...I'm extremely indecisive. I'm going with one teacher-y blog and one non-teacher blog.
My favorite teacher blog is the very first teacher blog I ever started reading in college, It's Not All Flowers and Sausages by Mrs.Mimi. She is fabulously hilarious and I love her sense of humor! She's snarky...and I like that. She finds humor in even the most ridiculous and dark situations (and there can be several of those in our line of work!). She wrote a book based on her blog, got her PhD, and I don't believe she teaches anymore. I think she is doing some consulting. But she still blogs and is still laugh out loud funny!
My favorite non-teacher blog is Whoorl. She's been in my Google reader for years! Her kiddos are precious and she does awesome hair and makeup tutorials! So fun! I get all kinds of product recommendations from her (as if I need any more products...)
My favorite online resource...
I've been loving Kelly's Kindergarten since my student teaching! I get so many great games from her site. Most of her games are reading, but I change them up and make them go with our math content. The kids LOVE them and don't even realize they're learning!
Can't wait to hop over to your blogs and read about your favorite things!
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I love Kevin and Amanda! And I just went to check out Mrs. Mimi's blog...very cute. Thanks for the suggestions!
I downloaded the font. I didn't have that one. I LOVE kellyskindergarten too!! Have a great Friday!
Kindergarten Korner
I love Mrs. Mimi! She is incredibly hilarious for sure!! Was just reading her recent post yesterday!
Thanks for visiting my blog!!! I'm so glad I found you - your blog is adorable!!! I can't wait to look around (I love the College Station and Passport ideas!)
A Teeny Tiny Teacher
:) Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog about my classroom. :) I'm excited to look through your oh so cute blog too! :)
Jamie @ Teaching Little Firsties!
I just found your great blog! I love fonts and can't seem to have enough. I just hope my computer never crashes!
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