
Monday, September 5, 2011

Need a little help!

Hope you guys are having a fabulous Labor Day!!  I'm just excited about sleeping in 3 days in a row and cleaning out my DVR! 

OK, I need your help.  I'm getting my Smartboard this week. {YAY!!!}  I've been told it's going to be mounted, but my projector will be on a cart for a little while.  Do any of you have this set up?  I'm a little nervous about kids--and me because let's face it, I'm super clumsy--bumping into it and needing to realign eleventy million times a day.  But I'm unbelievably grateful to have one, so I'm searching for a way to not only "make it work", but totally rock it out.  I would be ever so grateful for your suggestions on how to arrange my room to accomodate my new technology!  If you have a similar set up, please leave me any ideas and pictures you may have already posted on your blog.  I remember seeing a few, but didn't take very good notes...  Thank you!!


  1. Caitlin! You are going to LOVE your smartboard. I have had one for 2 years and I still don't feel that I use it to its potential! One of the room arrangement things that I do is I put my whole group carpet area in front of the SB. My chair is off to the side. When we are listening to a story or having a class meeting, they are looking at me and not at the SB. When we turn to work on the SB, the children get in their "Smartboard spots". I have them all back up "1 spot" (I had assigned carpet spots in squares) to allow a path across the front right in front of the SB. This is so nobody gets stepped on. I also have a stool and a rubber-tipped pointer because the firsties sometimes have a difficult time reaching. I am going to try to get a picture of it for you when I start school tomorrow.

  2. Thank you so much Lori! Good idea on the stool!

  3. I have used my projector on a cart for 5 years and haven't had any trouble and I have worked with 5th thru 8th in my room. I just tell them anyone caught between the board and the cart will have some super explaining to do to me privately. When we weren't using it and they were up moving around I just push the cart towards the board, but as the year progresses it usually doesn't even get bumped unless we get a new student.

  4. i would say maybe get strips of the hook part of velcro and make a little box around your cart, like a "no entry" area...

  5. Thank you for taking the time to share this
