
Monday, August 1, 2011

Hello Bloggy World!

My, my, my...why am I just now stumbling upon the brilliance of edublogging?  I have spent my summer reading blog after blog and printing off idea after fabulous idea.  It's UNREAL!  And I need in on the action.  Allow me to introduce myself: I'm Ms. Preppy, and I'm a teacher blog addict. (I can hear you all now, "Hi, Ms. Preppy!").  I've been teaching primary math for three years.  And I love it.  LOVE it.  Love my little friends, my coworkers, and the fact that there's never a dull moment in any of my days.  I also have a serious obsession with all things polka dotted, monogrammed, and pink and green.  Seriously.  It's bad.  Don't hold it against me.

I can't wait to share my adventures and ideas with you.  I make no guarantees that awesomeness will ever come forth from this blog, but at the very least, you will be entertained by my many mishaps.


  1. Yay! I am your first follower. Starting a blog can be very intimidating, especially because there are some insanely awesome teachers in Blogland. Just remember though, there is always someone who will appreciate your contributions... especially in the math department. ((and especially if it is polka dotted, monogrammed, and pink, and green)) Let me know if you need ANY help at all, good luck, and WELCOME! I can't wait to see what you come up with! :)

    A Day in the Life of a 2nd Grade Teacher

  2. Yay! I have a follower! Thanks for the warm welcome! :-)

  3. I just found your blog, and I'm a new follower! I'm also a departmentalized math teacher, so I look forward to learning from you.

  4. Thanks Ashleigh! I love your blog! Gotta love marvelous math teachers...

  5. Hi Lady!! So glad that you stopped by my blog! I'm glad to have found yours, as well!! And excited to see someone else starting this new adventure at the same time as me!! :)

  6. Great start! Edublogging is a super fun way to network in this biz!
    Getting into another year of Math Investigations and am hoping to get AVMR training this year. ^_^

  7. I am definitely a blog addict too! Spent my whole summer doing just what you said...printing off and finding as many goodies as possible! I too am obsessed with all things polka dotted, monogrammed, and pink and green...I tell my students my favorite color is polka dot! :o) Have fun blogging - this is too cute! :o)

    So Then There Were 2
